Fraud happens each and every day and can happen to anyone, even in North Dakota and Minnesota. Here at FCCU, we want to help educate our members and make sure you are protected.

Scam of the Month- April

Financial Elder Abuse:

Financial Elder Abuse refers to the illegal or unethical exploitation of the finances or assets of adults that are 65 years of age or older. This can include scams, theft, coercion, or undue influence. This type of fraud often occurs at home, with family members or caregivers taking advantage of the person.

Some common tactics include: threats or threatening behavior, stolen checks or debit cards, and making the individual feel guilty. When this occurs as part of a scam, the scammer will typically use a sad story to tug at the heart of their victims. This allows the victim to build a connection or bond with the scammer and creates a false sense of trust. Once that connection is built, the scammer will begin asking for money, gift cards, wires, or cryptocurrency and the victim will typically lose all of the funds.

Follow these tips to avoid falling victim to this type of fraud:

  • Stay informed about your finances.
  • Set up safeguards like Power of Attorney.
  • Monitor your financial accounts regularly.
  • Seek advice from trusted resources.

Fraud Resources

FCCU Card Management

We want to help put card managment at your finger tips. Our FCCU Cards app and FCCU Online Credit Card site offers many helpful features to prevent fraud and keeping your credit and debit card in your control. Below is a series of videos explaining how to use the FCCU Cards App and how it can help prevent fraud. Click here for more information or to download the app.

*Note, this app doesn't replace our existing FCCU app, but is another option to give you greater control over your convenience cards.

FCCU Cards App Overview

Alert Preferences

Notification Settings

Lock & Unlock Your Card

Report a Lost or Stolen Card

Set Control Preferences

Setting Spend Limits

Lock & Unlock Your Card

Lost & Stolen Card

Visa Online Features